Reinvent the way you use project-based learning.

Grouper makes it easy
for teachers using Google Classroom to
break students into groups
Sign in with Google Sign in with Google



  • Unlimited Groups
  • Preferences
  • Group History
  • Export Groups to CSV
Start Grouping!


Coming Soon

  • Basic Features
  • Insights - Group Data
  • Group Grading
  • Export Directly to Google Classroom
Coming Soon

Grouper is currently offered as an annual subcription, providing full access to the product. As it is still in the testing phase, we are eager to collaborate with users to gather feedback and enhance Grouper.

How Grouper Works
Import your classes from Google Classroom.
Select a class to create groups.
Input assignment name, size of groups, and any preferences you'd like. Preferences can be preferred / blocked matchups, or excluding a student from group-making altogether.
View your created groups.
Display these groups for your class or export them to a CSV for later.
Save your groups. The more groups you create, the better the Grouper algorithm becomes!
Grouper in Action

Grouper Testimonials

"Instead of wasting time digging up old notes and trying to remember what students were paired on past projects, I can create 'smart-random' groups of students in seconds."
"Tracking and generating student groups in spreadsheets was a nightmare. Grouper lets me spend more time on lesson planning and zero time on managing groups for my PBL classes."
"I have exceptional learners in my classroom so I love that Grouper gives me the flexibility to create preferential pairings within its randomization algorithm."
"When I'm grading, the group history feature is a great way to quickly find which students were on the same project team."